
Transfer Students and 金融援助

Getting admitted to the university is a huge achievement and one part of making transfer 我们的现实. Determining how to manage the costs of going to university is likely on your mind, too, and equally important in considering transfer a viable option. 

The information below provides a starting point to learn more, items to possibly take into consideration, and some tips on applying, that it may support you in the discussions and decisions involved to making good use of financial aid throughout your undergraduate career here at Chabot and the university. Money is personal, cultural, and psychological. Poke around, dig deeper, talk out your wonderings and consult with your trusted support network which may include family, Chabot 金融援助 advisor, 大学 Financial Aid advisors, your counselor, and consider what is best for you in the context of your short-term and long-term aspirations. 


查看我们的 转学中心日历 and register to attend financial aid focused workshops such as:

  • 转学生助学金
  • Making Sense of 大学 金融援助 Offers
  • FAFSA/CADAA如何工作坊



  • A general definition of financial aid is money to assist students in meeting the cost 接受过大学教育. At universities, this includes tuition and fees. 大学 financial aid also covers costs associated with housing, food, health insurance, utilities, transportation, and school supplies.
  • Aid can come from the federal government, the state, the institution, and organization(s).
  • Aid can come in different forms, and the most common ones are:
    • Grants: This is money granted based on need and does not need to be repaid.
    • Loans: 这是可以借的钱. The most common loans offered are the federal loans, and students would work with the university financial aid office to select a repayment plan 6 months after leaving or graduating from the institution.
    • 勤工助学: This is money earned through on-campus jobs under the Work-Study program, a federal financial aid program for FAFSA applicants. Students can choose to work a part-time job with or without a work-study offer.
    • 奖学金: This is money granted based on need or merit, depending on how it is structured, 这笔钱不需要偿还.



  • 大部分的财政援助(如.g. grants, loans, work-study, some scholarships) is offered through the completion financial aid applications known as the FAFSA and CADAA:
  • Remember to apply for financial aid 每年.
  • Identify the financial aid priority consideration deadline(s) for your prospective universities and incorporate into your your 坠落转移检查表 or 弹簧转移检查表
    • CSUs and UCs have an April 2, 2024, priority consideration deadline if you plan on attending in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025.
  • Some scholarships are automatically awarded by the university when you complete the FAFSA / CADAA; others require a separate application and/or materials.
  • When applying for scholarships offered outside of the institution:
    • Never pay to access information about scholarship opportunities. Finaid.org 有好的底漆吗 奖学金诈骗.
    • Consider establishing and using a separate email address to manage all the scholarship emails and opportunities you will receive.
    • 奖学金 that may be applied toward any aspect of going to college (versus only 抵消学费 & 费用)可能更有帮助.
    • Some scholarships are renewable if you keep up the gpa and continue to meet the criteria.
    • Inquire with your university if the outside scholarships you win reduce the financial aid you are offered and in what ways (i.e. do outside scholarships reduce the student loan or does it reduce the free moneys originally offered by the school)  


  • "UC's own need-based grants can help fill in the gaps for California residents" if some transfer students may have used up available state and federal aid. (来源: 支付UC -八个事实).
  • Inquire with your CSUs and other institutions if any of the following limitations impact your ability to receive need-based aid at their campus.
    • For Federal Student Aid such as Pell Grant:
    • The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) offers many different kinds of state aid and learning about its financial aid programs and limits can help you better strategize and plan.
      • The Cal Grant program has a limit of four years. 查看CSAC Webgrants 4您的帐户 监控使用情况.
      • If personal finances are the same annually, you may need to think about how to spread the 4 years across the whole of your undergraduate career between the California Community 大学和科罗拉多州立大学. Please consult with 财政援助办事处 experts and partner with your support network to determine what is best for your personal situation.
      • 注:如果你被邀请 CalGrant转让权利奖励, review enrollment requirements and complete the Transfer Entitlement Certification in Webgrants account, if not already completed.
  • Attend FAFSA / CADAA研讨会 provided by our 财政援助办事处 or 大学 财政援助办事处 for assistance completing financial aid application(s).
  • 参加 Transfer Application Workshop Series 有关的主题:
    • 转学生和经济援助
    • 申请可行的奖学金
    • Interpreting and Evaluating 大学 金融援助 Offers



  • 评估CC之间的差异C and 大学 Costs and 金融援助 (content to come)
  • Connect with 大学 金融援助 Advisor or attend 转移中心 Interpreting Your 大学 金融援助 Offer workshop to go over sample financial aid offers so you and your family can compare and decide what is best.
  • Make decision comparing offers from admissions, financial aid, housing, and anything else that is important to you and your success.
  • Many university campuses have a Center For Financial Wellness that supports students with the mechanics of navigating through and managing costs related to attending college, including topics like making the most of your financial aid offer, budgeting, how to open a checking account, how do credit cards work, managing debt.
    • Some centers are well connected with student support and free resources to meet basic needs like free and fresh foods and more. This is in addition to the university Financial Aid office that focuses on processing and putting together your financial aid offer.
    • Here is an example from the peer-to-peer 加州大学伯克利分校 Center for Financial Wellness.
    • Consider inquiring about and connecting with the university financial wellness center and get oriented on the support and coaching available.

Managing the costs associated with attending college can feel abit stressful and managing financial aid rules  can be daunting. For some of us, this may be one of the first times we are making big decisions in the area of finances. 你并不孤单. We are 来支持你!

Partner with your Transfer support network (family, friends, financial aid experts, and us) and let’s help each other through this aspect of your transfer journey!

问题? Contact 转移中心 Counselor Ms. Frances Fon, ffon@hadeslo.com.